New Beginnings

This week, the readings from class lit a spark in me. I have been in a rut for a long time, and something about the articles I read just gave me the motivation I need for this semester. Just after I read those, I ended up reaching out for more potential clients for my photography business and gained a new sense of determination. One thing I learned this week is that it is okay to fail. My dad always told me, “Do your best, and forget the rest”. If I do my best and work hard to achieve my goals and yet fall short, it’s okay! I just have to pick myself, dust myself off, and move forward. Staying in my comfort zone and doing the bare minimum won’t help me get far in life. I won’t achieve my goals if I don’t pursue them.

Two years ago, I had health problems come up that led to a complete meltdown. Since then, I have been trying to recover. I went from a straight A student, to failing and dropping classes. I am more determined than ever to turn things around and to pursue my goals and one of them is to finish college. Another is to create a successful photography business.

The article “Living Life as an Entrepreneurial Hero” definitely resonated with me. I have been one who has just “Let life happen to me”. It says that I need to take responsibility for myself and turn my dreams into step-by-step realities. It says if you are scared to take that big step, then take a small step. I did that in a way with my business this week. I reached out to some local and statewide pageants about being their photographer. I have been wanting to do this for awhile but I have been nervous and have been feeling inadequate to do so. Even though I photographed two state-wide pageants, I was still nervous. But it worked! I just had another state-wide pageant message me today saying they would love to work with me.

I am excited for this class this semester and feel that this is just what I need to start off my success as an entrepreneur and to help me find myself again.

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