Reverse Engineer Post Visual Media

Nike Ad Campaign

This is an Ad campaign one by Nike. It was in support of what Colin Kaepernick did to protest police brutality and racial injustice. He did this by taking a knee during the national anthem at a football game. (I absolutely do not support his actions in this. I chose this advertisement for design purposes only. I found this ad on this website:


The advertisement is all aligned in the center. The text in the middle is aligned with his face and is centered vertically and horizontally. The nike symbol and the “Just do it.” at the bottom are aligned in the bottom center as well.


The type is white which is contrasted with the black. The colors are contrasting as well with the white and black.


Repetition is used in the typography. The same typography is repeated in all three sentences. The lighting in his eyes are repeated as well.


The proximity of the first two sentences show that they are supposed to be read together. Having the three sentences over his face show that it is supposed to represent Colin Kaepernick.


By using black and white, it gives the advertisement contrast. It is a dark photo and leads the eyes to the white in the ad. So first the eyes capture your attention, and then the next two sentences, and then the last one, “Just do it”.


The same typography is used in all three sentences. It is an Oldstyle font.

New Ad

This is a photo I took of my husband in my studio. I copied over the Nike symbol from the original Nike advertisement.


All design principles are the same as the ones in the original advertisement. For alignment, the typography was centered in the middle of the photo. The advertisement is all aligned in the center. The text in the middle is aligned with his face and is centered vertically and horizontally. The nike symbol and the “Just do it.” at the bottom are aligned in the bottom center as well.


The type is white which is contrasted with the black. The colors are contrasting as well with the white and black.


The proximity of the first two sentences show that they are supposed to be read together. Having the three sentences over his face show that it is supposed to represent the person in the photo.


Repetition is used in the typography. The same typography is repeated in all three sentences. The lighting in his eyes are repeated as well.


By using black and white, it gives the advertisement contrast. It is a dark photo and leads the eyes to the white in the ad. So first the eyes capture your attention, and then the next two sentences, and then the last one, “Just do it”.


The same typography is repeated in all three sentences. It is an Oldstyle font. I used Bodoni 72 Oldstyle font.


The two advertisements definitely send the same message. The one I made could easily go with their ad campaign. It would be even better if they took tons of portraits just like this with all different types of people to get their message across even better.

Reverse Engineer Post Visual Media

Typography & Photography

This article is from Digital Photo Magazine. It is a great example of using both photography and typography. This issue is mostly about photographing portraits. The article was written by Jill Waterman and the photographer is Bobbi Lane. Bobbi is an award-winning commercial photographer from Massachusetts. She travels the world leading international photography workshops. She offers online classes and has written and published two books on photography principles.

Category Identification

The font circled in red is Sans Serif. You can tell because there are no serifs and no thick or thin transitions in the strokes. The font circled with blue is an Oldstyle font. It is Oldstyle because of the diagonal stress in the letters. The serifs on the lowercase letters are slanted and the curve is bracketed.


The typography contrasts because of the uses of the two different categories: Oldstyle and Sans Serif. They also use contrast in this magazine example by having the Sans Serif in Bold. It is also contrasting because of the uses of the green and white in the typography.


The red line shows how the green line in the design uses the principle of “leading lines” by directing your eye to his eye. I would say the line of lighting on his nose acts as a leading line to his eye as well. If you just look at the second page, his eye is right on the rule of thirds line.

Alternate Images

These images could definitely substitute the one in the magazine. They use the rule of thirds, and are all studio photos. These were shot in my homemade studio. I used a Nikon D750 and Godox AD200 for the light. They have a lot of contrast just like the one used in the magazine.

These first two images are self-portraits. I set my camera on a timer and ran in front of the camera for these!

This photo below is a photo I took of my Husband in my studio. This one replicates the photo in the magazine very well.

This last photo would work as well. It would especially bring in the green from the design of the page.


The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture was truly inspiring. He was able to achieve these goals because I am sure he aligned his life to reach those goals. The decisions he made were based around those goals and he took every opportunity that came towards him to make it happen. He said to not stop when you come across a brick wall between you and your goals. “They are not there to keep us out but for us to show how badly we want something”. “They are to separate us from the people who don’t really want to achieve their childhood dreams”. Another thing that I loved was this quote” It’s not about how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”

My dream has always been to travel the world. I believe I can achieve that dream. I have always loved travelling. I love meeting new people and learning about different cultures. I may even be able to be paid to travel one day for my photography. I also have a husband who loves to travel and see the world which will definitely help this dream become reality.

My favorite part of his last lecture was his advice at the end. He says that when “people give you feedback, cherish it and use it”. He says to show gratitude. He also says don’t complain and to just work harder. Be prepared, “Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity” Find the best in everybody. These are great principles and morals to live by. Anyone who chooses to follow these consistently will live a great life.

This week, writing down stepping stones and career options definitely put things into perspective. I am still not sure what direction I am going to go with my photography business, but I do know that I will continue to push forward and keep going with it. No matter the failures that come my way, I will keep going.

Visual Media

Coca Cola Ad

The purpose of this reverse engineer post is to show the use of contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, and color in a design. This is an advertisement photo for Coca Cola’s, “Open Happiness” campaign. I wasn’t able to find this photo on Coke’s website, but I found this photo on the following website: .

Joe Tripodi was the chief marketing and commercial leadership officer over this campaign. Tripodi said “Open Happiness builds on that heritage, recognizing that even with the difficulties and stress of modern-day life there still are opportunities, every day, to find a moment to recognize life’s simple pleasures. This new campaign reminds people that Coke is always there to offer that small moment of fun and refreshment when you need it.”


This whole photo is a great example of contrast. the white on a red background just captures the eye and really brings out the message of this photo.


Each repeated circle is an example of repetition. According to the book The Non-Designer’s Design Book: Fourth Edition by Robin Williams, “A repetition of visual elements throughout the design unifies and strengthens a piece by tying together otherwise separate parts.” The name brand Coca Cola is also an example of repetition. It is repeated frequently throughout the design.


The type in this photo is aligned to the right. The periods at the end of “happiness” and “coca-cola” are aligned with the barcode. the word happiness is aligned with the top of the girl’s head. The hashtag at the beginning of open happiness is aligned with the coca cola circle above it.


The book The Non-Designer’s Design Book says ” The Principle of Proximity states: Group related items together… physical closeness implies a relationship.” Because of the closeness of the two people, you can tell that they are a couple. With happiness and coca-cola so close toether, you can assume that they are saying coca-cola brings happiness. If they were separate, it wouldn’t mean the same thing. Also, having #openhappiness close to the logo Coca-Cola makes you assume that when you open a Coke, then you open happiness.


The two strong colors in this ad are the white and red. I have noticed that this is consistent in almost all Coke ads. In this ad they ad both models wear white, and also had the typeface white. The white also shows of both of their smiles which goes with the theme “open happiness”. The red in this ad is very consistent as well. The whole background is red and both models have red on their shirts. The girl even has red fingernails which brings your eyes to her hand which is holding the Coke.


Contrast, repetition, proximity, and alignment are key elements in a good design. Color is a great way to use as a contrast or repetition in a design. This Coke advertisement is a great example of a well-done design.

New Beginnings

This week, the readings from class lit a spark in me. I have been in a rut for a long time, and something about the articles I read just gave me the motivation I need for this semester. Just after I read those, I ended up reaching out for more potential clients for my photography business and gained a new sense of determination. One thing I learned this week is that it is okay to fail. My dad always told me, “Do your best, and forget the rest”. If I do my best and work hard to achieve my goals and yet fall short, it’s okay! I just have to pick myself, dust myself off, and move forward. Staying in my comfort zone and doing the bare minimum won’t help me get far in life. I won’t achieve my goals if I don’t pursue them.

Two years ago, I had health problems come up that led to a complete meltdown. Since then, I have been trying to recover. I went from a straight A student, to failing and dropping classes. I am more determined than ever to turn things around and to pursue my goals and one of them is to finish college. Another is to create a successful photography business.

The article “Living Life as an Entrepreneurial Hero” definitely resonated with me. I have been one who has just “Let life happen to me”. It says that I need to take responsibility for myself and turn my dreams into step-by-step realities. It says if you are scared to take that big step, then take a small step. I did that in a way with my business this week. I reached out to some local and statewide pageants about being their photographer. I have been wanting to do this for awhile but I have been nervous and have been feeling inadequate to do so. Even though I photographed two state-wide pageants, I was still nervous. But it worked! I just had another state-wide pageant message me today saying they would love to work with me.

I am excited for this class this semester and feel that this is just what I need to start off my success as an entrepreneur and to help me find myself again.