
The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture was truly inspiring. He was able to achieve these goals because I am sure he aligned his life to reach those goals. The decisions he made were based around those goals and he took every opportunity that came towards him to make it happen. He said to not stop when you come across a brick wall between you and your goals. “They are not there to keep us out but for us to show how badly we want something”. “They are to separate us from the people who don’t really want to achieve their childhood dreams”. Another thing that I loved was this quote” It’s not about how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”

My dream has always been to travel the world. I believe I can achieve that dream. I have always loved travelling. I love meeting new people and learning about different cultures. I may even be able to be paid to travel one day for my photography. I also have a husband who loves to travel and see the world which will definitely help this dream become reality.

My favorite part of his last lecture was his advice at the end. He says that when “people give you feedback, cherish it and use it”. He says to show gratitude. He also says don’t complain and to just work harder. Be prepared, “Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity” Find the best in everybody. These are great principles and morals to live by. Anyone who chooses to follow these consistently will live a great life.

This week, writing down stepping stones and career options definitely put things into perspective. I am still not sure what direction I am going to go with my photography business, but I do know that I will continue to push forward and keep going with it. No matter the failures that come my way, I will keep going.